
I don’t normally put myself out there, afraid of disappointing people. When I was interviewing for jobs 2 years ago, I wouldn’t tell people when I had an interview, because I didn’t want to go back and have to tell them if I didn’t get the job. Same thing with TTC. A very small group of people know we’re trying, but that’s it. 

In the interest of putting myself out there more, even if it leads to disappointment, here goes. I noticed something different with my cycle the last few days and did a chart overlay in Fertility Friend this morning. 

The Green line is this cycle. The Purple line is last cycle. And the other two lines are just from earlier this year and on here as a reference. My temperature has never been this high this late into my cycle. Also, it’s been really fucking hot where we live, so our bedroom has been warmer than usual. Could this be causing my higher than usual temp in the morning?  I’m still too nervous to get excited, but I can’t stop thinking about it! Am I crazy?

I’ve also had lots of sharp pangs in the lower abdomen area the past 2 days. We’re still not testing til this weekend though. I only want to do the one test, just in case its negative. Waiting is hard.

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